Work out what sort of digital safe you have Batteries that are left untouched for too long may corrode, which could create a much more expensive problem. Batteries can be expected to last up to 2 years, depending upon usage, so if yours have been in longer than that, then a dead battery is likely to be the reason. Lower cost electronic safes may not warn you that the battery is running low and the first you may know is when the safe won’t open. If you are getting a low battery warning of any sort and if the safe won’t open it is likely that this is the problem.
On most higher end electronic safes, the first sign that the safe batteries are dead is usually a longer series of beeps when you input your code or a warning on the display panel if you have one. Check that the batteries are dead and that it is not another problem You will be able to get back into your safe and as long as you follow the below steps, your safe will be undamaged and useable again in no time. So, here is my definitive guide to getting into your electronic digital safe if the batteries are dead. Posted: Thu, This is a question I get asked a lot! Help, how can I open my digital safe when the batteries are dead?